Smart..? Nä.. du förstår helt enkelt bara inte.
Men vet du vad? Det är lugnt. Asså verkligen. Tack gud att jag inte är sådan sorts människa säger jag bara. Det är jag riktigt nöjd och stolt över.
Shit, jag är så jävla mogen asså...
She is a hustler, she's no good at all
She is a loser, she's a bum, bum, bum, bum
She lies, she bluffs, she's unreliable
She is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun, gun
I know you told me I should stay away
I know you said she's just a dog astray
She is a bad girl with a tainted heart
and even I know this ain't smart!
He is a hustler, he's no good at all
He is a loser, he's a bum, bum, bum, bum
He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable
He is a sucker with a gun, gun, gun, gun
I know you told me I should stay away
I know you said he's just a dog astray
He is a bad boy with a tainted heart
and even I know this ain't smart